Base R from A to Z: Types of functions (2)

Closures, primitives and internals

February 25, 2023


In the second part of the series about the base R, I wanted originally to talk about operators. But to talk about properators properly, I wanted to explore how operators are defined first and the difference between classical functions and something called primitives. In the end, the small segway got a bit too big, so I decided to release it as an independent article.

Types of functions

To understand computations in R, two slogans are helpful:

  • Everything that exists is an object.

  • Everything that happens is a function call.

    – John Chambers (author of S, coauthor of R)

As per the quote, everything that happens in R is a function call. Operators are construct similar to functions, but with special syntax or semantics. But you might have realized that not every function is the same and that R has different types of functions.

For instance, when you write the name of a standard function, you will print their code. This doesn’t work with operators and other language elements. To operate with them, you need to escape them, either with quotation marks " or backticks `. Backticks typically work in most occassions. For instance, we can use backticks to print help of +, print the body of - or call * as if it was a function:

?`+` # prints a help-page of +
`-` # prints the body of -
function (e1, e2)  .Primitive("-")
`*`(3,5) # call as if * was a normal function
[1] 15

Operators are special kind of functions, but so are other language elements like for, return, or in fact even ( and {. But unlike with operators, calling language elements like a function doesn’t work. We will talk about these language elements in detail some other time.

These special functions are called primitives. Primitives are special in many ways. Outside of primitives, all other functions are standard functions that either call R code, or call a compiled C or Fortran code through the interfaces .Internal, .External, .C, .Call or .Fortran.

To explore these function types in base, we will define a helper functions. And because there would be a lot of repeated code, we will construct these functions with a function factory.

is_function_type_factory = function(pattern, fixed=TRUE){
    force(fixed) # force evaluation

        body = body(x)
            return(FALSE) # primitives don't have body

        deparse(body) |> grep(pattern=pattern, fixed=fixed) |> any()

is.internal = is_function_type_factory(".Internal")
is.external = is_function_type_factory(".External")
is.ccall    = is_function_type_factory(".C") # will match .C and .Call
is.fortran  = is_function_type_factory(".Fortran")

# Get all functions from base, we did this before
functions = Filter(is.function, sapply(ls(baseenv()), get, baseenv()))

So out of 1242, there are 185 primitives, 415 internals, 0 external calls, 3 calls using the .C or .Call interface, 6 calls to Fortran, with the rest being pure R functions.


Primitives are special functions that form the core of R language. Normal functions (called closures in R) have a list of arguments called formals, a body, and an enclosing environment (thus called closures).

# formals, body and environment of `is.internal`
not_null = Negate(is.null)
has_fbe = function(x){c(
    "formals"     = formals(x) |> not_null(),
    "body"        = body(x) |> not_null(),
    "environment" = environment(x) |> not_null()
    formals        body environment 
       TRUE        TRUE        TRUE 

Compared to normal functions, primitives do not have any formals, body, or enclosing environment.

    formals        body environment 
      FALSE       FALSE       FALSE 

This is why we put an additional check for body(x) |> is.null() in our function factory. So what about the printed body of - that we saw before? It was a fake! R is lying to us here.

`-` # output of this is fake
function (e1, e2)  .Primitive("-")
minus = function(e1, e2) .Primitive("-")
function(e1, e2) .Primitive("-")

See the extra space in the original -? Now watch this. Calling minus(1,2) just prints the original -.

minus(1,2) # just prints the original `-`
function (e1, e2)  .Primitive("-")

To get the correct result, we need to call minus()(1,2).

[1] -1

This is because our function returns the .Primitive("-") which then performs the actual call to the - primitive.

All the special language elements like for, ( are primitives, so are the functions like .Internal or .Call that communicate with the internal or external libraries. Finally, there is also a performance consideration, many non-special functions are primitives because these call need to be performant.


One reason why I am talking about these types of functions is because of generics. Generics1 are types of functions that when called, they dispatch a function specific to the type of input object. Typically, the type of object is called a class, and the specific function is called a method. This is the core of the S3 object-oriented system. For instance, in most cases you don’t need to worry what kind of object you are working with and call print anyway, which will then dispatch an appropriate method based for the class of the object, such as or print.Date. This makes interactive use quite convenient, but also allows you to write a more generic code. For instance, instead of having to expect every single possible class in your function, you can rest assured that as.character will provide you a reasonable output.

Typical S3 generic functions would look like this:

function (x, ...) 
<bytecode: 0x558f238a6c58>
<environment: namespace:base>

Just a single call to UseMethod("print") alternatively UseMethod("print", x) to make the object for which the method will be dispatched (x in this case) explicit. Notice that no other argument parsing is happening there, this is done behind the curtain.

Generic primitives

Primitives can be generics as well, even without the use of UseMethod. There are a few ways how this is achieved.

First of all, there are S3 prototype functions in the .GenericsArgsEnv environment. They look like your standard S3 generic function, just a call to UseMethod.

get_objects = function(x){
        x = getNamespace(x)

    sapply(x |> ls(), get, x)

primitive_generics = get_objects(.GenericArgsEnv)
function (e1, e2) 
<bytecode: 0x558f21115ed8>
<environment: namespace:base>
primitive_generics |> names() |> head(10)
 [1] "-"   "!"   "!="  "*"   "/"   "&"   "%/%" "%%"  "^"   "+"  

However, I am not sure if they are actually used during calls or are there for other reason, such as documentation. There is a similar environment .ArgsEnv that contains primitives that are not generics.

primitive_not_generic = get_objects(.ArgsEnv)

function (length.out) 
<bytecode: 0x558f21104b30>
<environment: namespace:base>

These functions, when executed, just return NULL.


Compare this to a standard call to seq_len

[1] 1 2 3 4 5

This suggests that these functions, likely both .GenericsArgsEnv and .ArgsEnv are not involved in the function dispatch, or if they are, they are involved much later after the .Primitive() call is evaluated.

This brings us to the second way how primitives can be generic. But this dispatch is being performed directly in the internal C code using either the DispatchOrEval call or DispatchGeneric. I will stop here and won’t got deeper, because the situation is quickly getting complicated. For instance, despite the manual saying that something called group generics are using the DispatchGeneric, this is not actually the case and this function doesn’t exist in the C code. Instead, many generics are grouped, thus called group, have a complex system of dispatching based utilizing DispatchGroup (instead of DispatchGeneric), switch and integer values likely related to the functions in the src/main/names.c source code.

You can see which functions are group generics in two ways, reading the help file for ?groupGeneric (it has no associated object) or by removing non-group generic functions from all primitive generics:

setdiff(primitive_generics |> names(), .S3PrimitiveGenerics)
 [1] "-"        "!"        "!="       "*"        "/"        "&"       
 [7] "%/%"      "%%"       "^"        "+"        "<"        "<="      
[13] "=="       ">"        ">="       "|"        "abs"      "acos"    
[19] "acosh"    "all"      "any"      "Arg"      "asin"     "asinh"   
[25] "atan"     "atanh"    "ceiling"  "Conj"     "cos"      "cosh"    
[31] "cospi"    "cummax"   "cummin"   "cumprod"  "cumsum"   "digamma" 
[37] "exp"      "expm1"    "floor"    "gamma"    "Im"       "lgamma"  
[43] "log"      "log10"    "log1p"    "log2"     "max"      "min"     
[49] "Mod"      "prod"     "range"    "Re"       "round"    "sign"    
[55] "signif"   "sin"      "sinh"     "sinpi"    "sqrt"     "sum"     
[61] "tan"      "tanh"     "tanpi"    "trigamma" "trunc"   

Note that these lists of functions are not generated from the C source code, so there is no way other than reading the C source code to know if a primitive function is generic or not.

Operator overloading

Equations would be quite messy if you had to write a different + for scalars, vector and matrices. In case of operators, this is called operator overloading and can be a dangerous tool if not done carefully.

The whole point of operator overloading is that you can have quite complex objects and operate with them in a nice and polite manner as long as the semantics of operators make sense. For instance, the Matrix package defines sparse matrices. Sparse matrices are matrices where the majority of elements are equal to zero. Because of this, it is quite a bit more efficient if they are respresented not as a standard matrix with n*m elements, but with a special representation where you represent only elements that are non-zero. This saves memory and makes some operations faster. At the same time, you want them to behave like standard matrices with operations like addition, multiplication, or subsetting. So in standard S3 way (or S4 in this case), you overload the + operator to dispatch a particular function for addition of two standard matrices, one standard and one sparse, or two sparse matrices. From user perspective, nothing has changed and the operation looks the same M + N regardless of what types the matrices are summed. In languages like Java, which forgeos operator overloading in favour of heavy object-oriented system, you would have to do something of this sort:

# without operator overloading

You can see that complex equation might look quite messy due to this. At least Java has function overloading. Without that, you would have to detect the particular type of objects and dispatch an appropriate function by yourself. This is exactly what the R source code written in C has to do.

Note that this operator overloading does not always work and you can’t easily overload operators for basic types. For instance, some languages like to overload the + operator for the addition of strings, performing string concatenation. This makes sense in some cases, doesn’t in other cases and is another contentious problems, there is a whole discussion about this on the R mailing list.

`+.character` = function(x,y){paste0(x,y)}
"foo" + "bar"
Error in "foo" + "bar": non-numeric argument to binary operator

This is character is a basic type, which do not have a class and thus do not immediatelly work with all primitive generics this way. What matters here is the attribute class that is added to S3 objects. But if you try to explore this attribute with the class(), R will lie to you. You need to use the oldClass() function to see the S3 attribute.

class("foo") # will lie to you
[1] "character"

This overloading will work well for user-defined S3 classes.

`+.foobar` = function(x,y){paste0(x,y)}
structure("foo", class = "foobar") + structure("bar", class = "foobar")
[1] "foobar"

Or you can define the class explicitelly as a character.

`+.character` = function(x,y){paste0(x,y)}
structure("foo", class = "character") + structure("bar", class = "character")
[1] "foobar"

But it is better to not due this.

Another way is to overwrite the + function with user-defined function, but don’t do this either. If you think that the + semantics makes sense for strings, just define the %+% operator:

`%+%` = function(x,y){paste0(x,y)}
"foo" %+% "bar"
[1] "foobar"

One famous case of using the operator + in a special way is to combine graphical elements in the ggplot package.

Operator overloading is especially useful for the equality operator =, but also for various subsetting operators [ or [[, as well as for the replacement operators [<-. We will talk about this next time.

special vs builtin

And just for completeness, Primitives and internal functions are also divided into special and builtin.

primitives = Filter(is.primitive, functions)
split(primitives |> names(), sapply(primitives, typeof)) |>
    sapply(head, n=10, simplify=FALSE) # sample of bultin and specials
 [1] "-"   ":"   "!"   "!="  "("   "*"   "/"   "&"   "%*%" "%/%"

 [1] "::"   ":::"  "["    "[["   "[[<-" "[<-"  "{"    "@"    "@<-"  "&&"  

The difference between them is that builtin functions evaluate all their arguments before being passed to the internal implementation, while special don’t evaluate their arguments. When profiling, builtin functions are also counted as a function calls, while special aren’t. Only a small number of functions are trully special :). And while we can look which primitives are builtin or special, we can’t do so with internal functions. For instance, according to the documentation, cbind is special internal, while grep is builtin internal. But when you to get their type, all you get is a closure.

c("cbind" = typeof(cbind), "grep" = typeof(grep))
    cbind      grep 
"closure" "closure" 

Unless you want to join the development team of R, you do not need to know about this distinction.


Everything that happen in R is a function call, but for performance and parsing purpose, R has different types of functions. The classic functions in R are closures, but there are special kind of functions called primitives. Most operators are primitives and some primitives can also be generics, which connects them to the S3 dispatch system. This allows operators to be overloaded for user-defined classes, but not for basic types, despite not being typical S3 generics with UseMethod() call.


  1. For a more broad description of related ideas, see↩︎